
For this project, I was the person who researched the game mechanics and how it works also I studied some features in construct 2 that would help the group make the game. I also implemented what I learned in the game. I managed to create the base of the game, the sprites, and its behaviors as well as the events that happen in the game. I helped to compile the game together with my members, where we decorated it with the images and the effects in the game (Sound, background, etc).

What I found to be hard during the process of making the game is getting some of its features to work. For example, the animations in the game don’t look good because to create a perfect working animation there needs to be a lot of components that are taken into account. This being the origin points and also the size of the image. It was hard for the group to cooperate because we weren’t able to meet each other in person which was quite a struggle but we managed to find other solutions to communicate.

Overall the process of making this game taught me a lot about how construct 2 works. I learned that making a game is not an easy process, it requires a lot of detail that needs to be focused on. Building a game takes a long time and it can’t be rushed. I learned that to create a good looking game it needs more than just drawing skills, there is more than just the art that needs to be considered. I learned a lot of aspects in construct 2 such as its objects, instance variables and also behaviors of the objects.

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Game Guide for SukuDash

by: Jeco, Rowin, Sunny

Suku Dash is a fun, endless running platformer game made by RJS in Indonesia, powered by Construct 2 by Scirra. Control your player and guide him through a complex path of platforms and obstacles. Use your left mouse button to perform jump. If you reach the finish flag, you may continue to the next stage!


Since we stress the game to promote tribes, we built the characters basing on the local tribes so that the player will indirectly being familiarized with Indonesian existing tribes. In this game, we use three tribes, which are Asmat tribe, Dayak tribe and Minahasa tribe. Each of them has their own regional cloth and carries their regional weapon.


In this game, there will be a different background for a different stages. In accordance to Indonesia theme, we use three background to represent the nation; which are mountain landscape, capital city environment and and grassland.


Apples are the collectables of the game. Player has to collect as many apples as they can in order to feed the character.


There are several enemies spawning in every stage in a form of spiders, bees and bats. Player has to dodge them in order to continue running on the map. Any physical contact to either one of these will cause a harmful effect which lead to death.


The image above shows the start screen of Suku Dash
This image shows the menu after pressing start
This shows the main game after starting

Video Guide Links

Loading Screen –
Stage 1 –
Stage 2 & 3 –

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Project Proposal – Construct 2

In this project, I was grouped with 2 of my classmates Jeconiah Richard and Sunny Jovita.

The project that was given asked for a game build with Construct 2, A game developing program that allows users to create simple 2d games. The game to be created will have a theme of Indonesia.

So the group’s idea for the project is a simple platformer game. The platformer game that will be made will be like an endless runner, where you have to collect coins and avoid obstacles, a simple runner but to connect with Indonesia the users will be able to play as Indonesian tribes
What we are trying to do with this feature is to be able to spread awareness of the tribes in Indonesia and the difference between each of their cultures. Were also going to use sceneries from Indonesia for the background and also Indonesian background music for an Indonesian mood.

By the end of the game, the users would have knowledge of the different cultures that exists in Indonesia. The sceneries and the music would accompany them that way they will experience a part of the Indonesian culture.

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